Nick Cannon, a well-known entertainer, is set to host a new show called "Celebrity Baby Guess Game," in which contestants will compete to identify famous babies. The show is being produced by Fox, and it will feature a panel of celebrities and comedians who will try to guess the identity of the babies based on clues and photographs. The contestants who successfully identify the most babies will win a cash prize.
The announcement of the show has generated mixed reactions, with some people criticizing the concept as being exploitative of celebrity children. However, Cannon has defended the show, stating that it is all in good fun and that the babies' identities will not be revealed without their parents' consent.
This is not the first time Cannon has faced controversy over his involvement in a game show. In 2019, he was fired from his job as the host of "America's Got Talent" after making comments that were perceived as being anti-Semitic. Cannon later apologized for his remarks and was eventually rehired by the network to host another show, "The Masked Singer."
Despite the criticism, "Celebrity Baby Guess Game" is set to premiere later this year, and it will undoubtedly attract a lot of attention due to Cannon's involvement and the controversial nature of the show's concept.
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